About Us
The Company, which was founded in 1904 and has met at the church since that time, has three sections that cater for all boys of school age from primary one to secondary six.
Primary 1 to Primary 3
Fridays 6.30 – 7.30pm
Primary 4 to Primary 6
Fridays 6.30 – 8.00pm
Company Section
(incorporating Senior Section)
Primary 7 to Secondary 6
Fridays 8.00 – 10.00pm
All sections organise a packed programme of activities each session, with games, crafts, sports and badgework taking up much of the regular meetings.
In addition, the Company also organises outings and other special events throughout the year – all of which is designed to enable members to develop and learn new skills whilst having fun in a safe environment.
The oldest age group, Company Section, also holds an annual camp and other outdoor activities each session.
Craig McQueen, the Captain of the 130th Glasgow, is in overall charge of the Company. At the start of the session, there were more than 50 members of the 130th Glasgow across the three sections.
For more information on each of the sections, including membership, visit the relevant pages on this website.
For further details on The Boys’ Brigade, visit:-
The Company would be delighted to answer any questions you have regarding the 130th Glasgow Boys’ Brigade either via email – info@130thglasgow.co.uk – or at one of the regular meeting nights.