Company Section – September 2024

Company Section has enjoyed an eventful summer with the boys enjoying a couple of gatherings since the end of last session.

In June we visited Team Sport Karting in Clydebank for an evening of go-karting, although at one or two points the action on track more closely resembled dodgems than racing.

Then in August we had our Summer Camp, with the boys staying at the Craggan Outdoor Centre at Ardeonaig on the banks of Loch Tay.

During a packed couple of days, the boys tried some canoeing out on the loch, had a Highland Games competition with events including caber tossing, shinty, welly-throwing and tug-of-war, tried their hand at archery and also had a go at axe-throwing, which it turns out is harder than it looks!

Now we’re looking ahead to the start of the new session, with our enrolment evening for 2024-25 taking place in the large hall on Friday, 30th August from 6.30pm onwards.

Normal activities include sports, games, badge work, bugle band, drill, vaulting and a large number of competitions with other local companies as well as our own Company outings.

Company Section should be boosted in size this year thanks to a good number of new recruits joining from Junior Section, but any boy between the school ages of P7 and S6 will be made most welcome.

More information can be found at or by searching for 130thglasgowBB on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.included drill, bugle band and games.